It took you long enough to get here!
48 hrs...
I should explain that Sophie was born April 2nd and I am just now getting around to posting her birth story...on Husband's birthday. But I don't know his birth story so I can't write that. Just her's.
3:30pm Thursday afternoon I decided to run some errands.
I made it to the post office before the on and off contractions I had been having for a few days hit. Hard. I remember standing in line thinking, "These people have NO idea what my body is doing right now!!!" Going home straight-away seemed like a good idea.
Called Husband on the phone. I think I said something like, "Umm...soo...are you going to be heading home soon? (please note the edge of hysteria in my voice) because that would be good."
We got home (don't try driving with contractions btw) and started timing contractions. They were not coming regularly, but weren't abating either, so we left for the birth center to get checked and see where things went. "Things" did not progress. Our midwife gave me some natural supplements, etc., to take to slow down the contractions and let me rest. And home we went. I took my second round of these, went to bed, and felt a pop.
Yup, water broke. So much for slowing down contractions. Definitely no rest.
Back to the birth center we went.
Labor was actually one of the most amazing things I have experienced- well the first 24 hrs anyway. My husband and our doula were incredible. Especially husband. I "danced" with him, walked a narrow hallway more times than I can count, breathed through contractions with their support. He seemed to anticipate what would help. Interestingly enough, I couldn't stand to have more than light touch anywhere on me- They tried giving me a massage or even a hand on my shoulder and I kept saying very insistently, "Your hands are too hot! Please don't touch me! Too hot!"
Normally I love massages and hugs.
Sometime on Friday afternoon I started telling Husband our baby was never coming. I believed it.
Husband: "Soon Rachel, our baby will be here soon and you can hold him or her in your arms."
Rachel: Wailing "Our baby is never coming out! Never..."
Now the not-so-fun part:
I got severely dehydrated, started throwing up like no one's business, couldn't pee...and stopped dilating. Sophie got stuck.
Through it all though, our girl's heart rate never dropped. Not yet anyway.
Off to the hospital we went...
to be continued.
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