My husband has this bizarre relationship going that is starting to bother me. It is even costing me sleep (yawn). I've known about it for some time, but there are times it bothers me more than others. And to make matters worse, it's one of those relationships where he wants to end things but can't stop....
...pushing the snooze button.
Husband will set the alarm for let's say, 6am. He will then continuously push the snooze button til whenever he decides to get up. Today he decided to get up at 10:30 (although he didn't actually get out of bed, just turned off the alarm). In case you weren't tracking- that's 4 hrs of snooze cutting in on sleep every 5 minutes!
Much of the time I have gotten so used to it that I can sleep through his snoozing habit. Inevitably though, there are times when I have just gotten Sophie to sleep, or myself to sleep, and, you guessed it- "BEEP, BEEP"
This morning I tackled him and warned that the alarm might be going out the window. His relationship with the snooze button might be coming to and end! Or not. Apparently, this relationship goes back to high school when his parents functioned as his alarm- coming in every few minutes to get him up.
At least when he gets up, he is happy.
I warned you Husband, that I would blog about this.
What did he do in the military out in the field? How about a different type clock that does a gradual wake up with different scents and then the aroma of coffee and finally an alarm(single sound). Another option is something in which he wears headphones so the sound will not affect you and Sophie.