This is Max. Otherwise known as Maxi, Maximus the Moosimus, Maxi-bear, Moose, etc. Sometimes just Max. He is 125 lbs of baby (he should be 115-20 lbs of baby, but don't hold it against him, he eats well around here). There is no better cuddler than Max. He'll let us bear hug him to pieces. He drools over clementines, and sweet patatoes. He kisses Sophie (under very close supervision). Unfortunately, this is not the side of Max everyone gets to see. Our neighbors know him as the dog that they see plastered against our big window barking. Max, through no fault of ours or his own, was left basically by himself for over a year before we got him back (that's another story). In rottweiler life, this is no good. Our baby is now a mass of fears. And what do dogs that think they are supposed to not be afraid, do when they are actually afraid of their own shadows? They act tough. Napoleon complex? Maybe.
Max has growled at potted plants, Christmas decorations (the big floaty ones), snowmen, driveway statues and shadows. Then when we bring him close to see what the "threat" is, he cowers and tries to pull away. Less humorous is when he growls at our friends visiting, or people that pass by on walks. And when people are afraid of him (which I can't really blame them for) they throw their hands up, which scares him even more.
Husband and I lament on almost a daily basis that we wish everyone could see the Max we get to see. He wants to curl up against us when thunderstorms happen. He quietly follows us around the house to see where we are. He won't go to bed until he has collected his "baby" (a stuffed puppy) that he sleeps with every night. He even whines at the door if we have closed him in before he can get it. He wags his little nub tail when Grandma comes to visit (my mom, whom he loves). He lets Amber (our other rottie) put him in his place belly side up even though she is much smaller than he. He likes to sleep in the shower. He sulks if you even raise your voice at him a little. This is my Max for better or worse. So please, if you see us out and about, don't be mad if he barks and acts tough. We're working on it.
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