E-mail Husband
Take pics and videos to send to Husband
Send care packages to Husband
You get the idea.
What has happened since last Friday you might ask (all 2 of you that read this! HA!)?
Well, last Friday was my birthday, but not really.
Since Husband left on Saturday we decided (re: he decided) we needed to celebrate before he left. So we made the most of it. Including clues for gifts scribbled on hotel pad paper. My family has a tradition that along with presents, we do clues. Each present has a clue attached and the receiver of the present has to make an attempt to guess what it is before opening it.
The first time I ever gave Husband birthday presents I wrapped them and attached the proper clues, and then explained how this worked. He loved the idea and has since gotten quite good at this clue business. This year, for example, some clues were,
"Synonyms: a defender, guard" The gift was a North Face jacket called the Sentinel. I did not guess that one.
"Rachel, keep it up!" for a belt. (I came close. I think.)

He is always quite proud of himself since he loves wordplay.
So I was 27 for a day (I am now back to 26 til my actual birthday) and it was fun.
That was Friday. Saturday we said goodbye. It was hard. Harder than the other times because of Sophie and how much time we've finally had together. Husband once wondered out loud (half- jokingly) whether I'd get sick of him being around all the time. No babes, not yet. Not even close.
I spent some time with family and friends before heading back home. I'm now trying to map out my days. Make them as full as possible to make time go by as fast as possible. Almost one week down. 5 mos and 3 weeks left!
Love the clue idea! I am totally stealing this and becoming an honorary ______ (insert maiden name here) family member.