We drove 3.5 hrs the other day to stay here while Husband does training before leaving. Sophie squealed and smiled when she saw Daddy! She adores him. Considering his words, "I never thought I'd be so wrapped around her little fingers" I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual. When she screams, he says hi, and she smiles, and neither of us can be frustrated anymore.
So, Sophie and I have been lounging around the hotel room while he is off working (re:being bored). It's been a nice break from to-do lists and packing. Had to deal with my first blowout diaper in a hotel room. Bet you wanted to know about that huh? Let's just say we use cloth diapers that will fester unless cleaned frequently. I got creative.
Also, I think I want to write a "here's how to eat healthy when traveling" guide. I need fruit and veggies at regular intervals. Three meals a day just doesn't cut it. Plus, you know, my body is feeding Sophie's so there are extra demands. I had cereal in a coffee mug with a plastic spoon I ordered with my coffee from Starbucks yesterday. Got some fruit and snacks from Target (when did Target get produce?! Love it.) and some milk I brought from home. It's an adventure. Maybe I'm overboard. I'm good with it.
I will not always write about Sophie, but the girl woke up shrieking away happily this morning and has not stopped. I'm sure our neighbors in the other rooms approve. She also thinks waving at herself and talking to her fingers is fun. AND she slept from 11pm til 4.40am in her own crib last night!
That's all for today, I need to wake up some more and give this baby food and a bath.
One more pic though

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